Do you believe in New Year’s Resolutions? I had never set a New Year's goal at the beginning of past years. I can’t explain why, or why not rather, but I guess I was scared to commit to something. According to, more people aim to lose weight than any other resolution. It is encouraging to know society seeks to improve its health and wellness through weight loss and attainable goals at the beginning of the year. However, is our physical health just as or more important than our spiritual health?
As a hypochondriac, I will be the first to admit that my physical health is extremely important to me. BUT, it pales in comparison to my spiritual well-being. It was this belief that encouraged me to connect with a very sacred part of my faith. To give some background, my grandmother passed away on Christmas of 2012. In many ways, she was my spiritual muse. She was a strong believer and established an unshakable family foundation through that. That strength was seen last month at her one-year memorial. The family assembled to share memories of her, and, most importantly, pray together. The Rosary was our prayer of choice. I am certain my grandmother was looking down on us with such joy, as she had such a strong connection with Christ through the Rosary. My heart was at such peace and solace during that prayer. I am gradually starting to notice that as I become closer to God, the Rosary is becoming a crucial part of my life.
At the beginning of this year, when I was hearing about New Years resolutions, I felt as though God was calling me to pray the Rosary every. single. day. The more I explored this, the more I realized that this spiritual discipline will help my physical health as well. The Huffington Post comprised a list of health benefits of praying in a 2012 piece. In the article, Richard Schiffman explains how dopamine levels, which are associated with states of well being and joy, are increased with prayer and meditation. A Rosary is both. Schiffman also explains how “individuals who prayed daily were shown to be 40 percent less likely to have high blood pressure than those without a regular prayer practice.” Do we need any more reason to have a daily spiritual connection in our lives?! I think not.
I am well aware that repetitive prayer is a topic of much debate among Christians today. And yes, I do pray to God quite conversationally, but sometimes meditation just takes me to an peaceful realm that I was unfamiliar with for many years. I am happy to have recently uncovered this new aspect of my life. Throughout this journey, I hope to pray and meditate for causes dear to my heart and, most importantly, people I love. Although I am still in the early days of my resolution, it has already been a rewarding practice. I plan on sharing my experiences with anyone who chooses to listen or read about them. If you ever have a prayer request, I’d be more than happy to say a Rosary for you.
I feel so blessed that God has challenged me to become spiritually healthy this year. I ask that my family and friends pray for me during this journey. I will undoubtedly need it.
God bless,