Friday, June 26, 2015

Why Pro-Gays Should Be Pro-Life

My newsfeed is blowing up with people talking about SCOTUS' decision to rule state bans on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Regardless of if this decision makes you feel elated or upset, I hope this decision continues the drive open and reasonable conversation on the issue. However, I couldn't help but draw some parallels to this topic and another controversial issue in today's society. I have found that most of my pro-LBGT friends are also pro-choice. When I ask them about why, I typically get the "Because I believe in choice" answer. I think a lot of it also has to do with the fact that peoples' moral beliefs are actually more political party beliefs than an individual moral code. In other words, people who vote for a political party that allows gay marriage will also vote for the political party that believes in abortion on demand up to 40 weeks...because, duh! "We're Democrats!" But I'm here to tell you why that logic is so unfathomably narrow. 

1. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
I've heard it time and time again. The LBGT community just want marry the ones they love. That is their pursuit of happiness. Another inalienable right given to us through the Declaration of Independence is the right to life. So, why are millions of unborn children denied that very right? I know what you're thinking: When does life actually begin though? That is a tough question for many people, but there is one thing I think anyone with a clear conscience can conclude. Life does not magically begin when a child passes through a six inch birth canal. At the time of fertilization, a baby's genetic makeup is complete. At this time every element of the child has already been determined: height, eye and hair color, gender and more. At 22 days, their heart begins to beat. By six weeks, brainwaves can be recorded. By the fifth month, the baby has already developed sleeping habits and their tiny heart is pumping up to 25 quarts of blood a day. At 36 weeks, their lungs are fully developed, and come 40 weeks, they are maybe (or maybe not-depending on if they've been born) legally a person according to Roe V. Wade. Now, let's try to pinpoint an exact time where life begins in this cycle. If life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness so matters to the LBGT community, it is up to them to acknowledge that very right for people outside of their own community. 

2. The Violent Cure
In 1991, researchers Simon LeVay and Dean Hamer found that nuclei in INAH 3 were almost twice as large in heterosexual men than homosexual men. Today, people use this as scientific, biological evidence that being gay is not a choice, but their natural instinct. But what about the natural instinct to live? Although there is still plenty to be learned about fetal development, thanks to modern technology, we are able to get a closer look at this area. In Abby Johnson's book, Unplanned, she discusses assisting an ultrasound-guided abortion during her time as a Planned Parenthood Director. During the abortion, she described seeing a 13-week-old fetus fighting to get away from the suction tool during the procedure. In addition to her first hand account, there is some scientific data that has concluded that unborn children can in fact feel pain. Dr. Kanwaljeet Anand, a professor of pediatrics, anesthesiology and neurobiology at the University of Tennessee, concluded that fetal pain is likely as early as 18 weeks. The only rebuttal to this argument, and it is one used often, is that much like unborn children who are in need of surgery, unborn babies who are aborted are under anesthesia and cannot feel the pain during the process. We are living in a society that is perfectly okay with performing a painful and ultimately, lethal procedure, as long as there are enough drugs to cover the effects. For years, electric shock therapy and lobotomies were used in attempts to try to "cure" the homosexual community. Today, chemicals, vacuums and suctions are used to try to "cure" an unwanted pregnancy. At the time the inhumane tactics of conversion therapy were in use, they were seen by many, including some of the medical community, as reasonable. Today, many people see dismemberment of humans in the womb as reasonable. 

3. The Unwanted
Even today, I'm sure some of the gay community feels unwanted. Regardless of how tolerant today's society is, there is still someone out there claiming we should "jus' kill off all them damn homos!" But everyone has a meaningful purpose in society. And if you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, please, never let anyone tell you different. The tragic reality is gay teens are 8.4 times more likely to attempt suicide because they probably feel unwanted. I am tired of hearing of all the awful stories of LBGT teens committing suicide because of this very reason. No one should be classified as unwanted. To the child who will be born into poverty, you are not unwanted. To the child born with disabilities, you are not unwanted. To the child born without a father, you are not unwanted. Freakenomics author and economist Steven Levitt made the claim that after Roe V. Wade, the crime rate went down significantly in the 1990s. Several people have debunked the economic claim behind his theory, but what's even more startling is that people would resort to the Nazi-like justifications for a better society. We have to step away from the macroeconomic and statistical view of society and think compassionately. 

I encourage anyone who reads this to truly consider the reality of abortion. I am certain that many will voice concerns for the mother of these children, and if you fall into that category, just know that this was written by a mother. A mother who was afraid and financially unstable at the time of her pregnancy. Even now, I sit and type this outside as my daughter plays on the swing and interrupts me for the occasional staring contest. I have compassion for mothers just as I do for the LBGT community, trust me. I wrote every word of this knowing mothers, gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders are intelligent enough and strong enough to be more than just a partisan polarization. If you define yourself as liberal and or pro-choice, that is certainly fine. However, it is not OK for political parties to set aside a roadmap that you must follow like mindless robots. I must make it very clear that this is not a to challenge a law or any other legal force on the issue of abortion, but to challenge hearts and minds. That is where our love and compassion must make a change for the better.